About us

About us


We have Completed More than 800 Election Campaign Management with 94% success rate Our Specialized team approaches every booth to identify the issues and challenges faced and also manage the crucial information of a particular constituency like influencers, poll workers and voters’ The dedicated team also ensures that it supports to get maximum voters turn out with the real-time monitoring at polling booth level.


800 Election Campaign


94% success rate


1800 Constituencies

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We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

We are a political election campaign service provider. We help you in boost up your Online Reputation using the target society (Voters). 

We Understand the mix of Pulse, Technology and Communication Building the identity of the candidate. Collection of data on regular basis by field manager.

We are truly professionals and we have Completed Election Campaign Management More than 1800 Constituencies with 94% success rate

Our team includes IIT&IIM Professionals, Ex Bureaucrats, PR&Media Professionals, Technocrates Voter Behaviour Expert, Election Expert, Analyst, Digital and Social Media Expert.

How we Set Your Election Strategy !

We have worked in DELHI, HARYANA, HIMACHAL, UTTRAKHAND, RAJASTHAN, BIHAR, MP, UP, GUJARAT, PUNJAB, MAHARASHTRA Elections for BJP, Congress & All Political Parties.

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Team members
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Election Campaign
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Our Channel Partner :

We are the leading political campaign company, build your political image on market.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)